A College Student’s Gold

    If you are not a college student, do not have children in college, & do not know anyone in college anywhere- this is not for you. There will be no point in you reading this. So I’m telling you now, don’t. However, if  one or more of the above applies to you, keep reading. This is good stuff folks. 

    All college students receive some form of student id upon enrolling in school. Well, I have a secret.

     It’s good for so much more than just getting around campus. In reality, It’s a discount card. Unlike most store loyalty-discount cards, a student id can be used at several places. Well, what are those places? I’ve compiled a huge list right here- including where to present your card & how much of a discount you are able to receive at that location. This is a treasure-mine for college students. So share it with any one you know who is applicable. This isn’t information to keep to yourself! Also, please keep in mind that results may vary by region, management, etc. Click on the link for complete details for a certain location.



  1. Ann Taylor– 20% off with student id
  2.  Apple– shop the Apple Store for Education for special student/teacher prices 
  3. AMC Theaters– Thursdays are Student Days with a discount ticket price
  4. Arby’s– 10% off with student id
  5. Banana Republic– 15% off with student/teacher id
  6. Blockbuster– discount with student id varies by location
  7. Buffalo Wild Wings– 10% off with student id
  8. Burger King– 10% off with student id
  9. Charlotte Russe– 10% off with student id
  10. Chick-Fil-A– free drink with purchase & student id
  11. Chipotle– free drink with purchase & student id 
  12. Club Monaco– 20% off with student id
  13. Cinemark– purchase a discounted ticket with student id on certain days, varies by location
  14. Dairy Queen– 10% off with student id
  15. Domino’s Pizza– discount with student id varies by location
  16. Eddie Bauer– 15% off with student id
  17. General Motors– preferred pricing for students & grads
  18. Goodwill– 10% off with student id
  19. H&M– 15% off with student id
  20. J. Crew– 15% off with student id
  21. Jiffy Lube– 10%-15% off with student id
  22. JoAnn’s– 10% off with student discount card, apply online
  23. Juicy Couture– 15% off with student id 
  24. Kroger– 5% off at particular locations
  25. The Limited– 15% off with student id
  26. Mc Donald’s– 10% off with student id
  27. Papa John’s Pizza– varied discount at particular locations
  28. Pier 1– 15% off with student id
  29. Pizza Hut– 10%-20% off with student id
  30. Qdoba– free chips or drink with student id 
  31. Ralph lauren Rugby– 15% off with student id
  32. Regal Theaters– up to 25% with student id
  33. Steve Madden– 10% off with student id
  34. Subway– 10% off with student id
  35. Taco Cabana– 20% with student id
  36. Target– 10% cashback when you register you .edu email with Edhance.com
  37. Urban Outfitters– 10% off with student id on certain days (sign up for email to receive that info)
  38. Waffle House– 10% off with student id

*When using a student discount, other discounts will not likely be applied.

     Remember it never hurts to ask. Keep this is in mind concerning events, museums, theme parks, insurance & phone companies as well. 

     This is not an absolute complete list. If you know of other places which honor a student discount as well, please leave a comment! Or if you go to one of the above locations & they no longer promote this, please comment so I may remove it from the list. Thank you!

5 Ways To Save Money In College

    I know, firsthand, how difficult it can be to save money in college. Which is one of the major reasons I coupon. There are countless tips & tricks for saving money in your college years, I’m sure. I’m still learning about it all, personally. Michael happens to be extremely interested in financial planning & saving money while you’re young, especially in college. So, I’m pleased to introduce my first guest-blogger today! Michael will be sharing his handful of advice with us! Enjoy! 


     By Michael Wesley Mealey. 

     Saving money in todays economy is Numero Uno in many dorms, households, and business’s across the nation. We are in the biggest recession since the Great Depression. Anyone with relatives that have been through the great depression would usually describe them as being frugal, meager, and penny-pinching. There is MUCH  to be learned from that generation in regards to saving money. In this post I will point out 5 very easy things to help you budget and save money.

      Number 1-Use cash. I personally believe out of all the ways there are to save money, using cash is the best. No one can ever say that when they went to the mall and bought those pair of shoes, that it hurt to swipe their credit card. It is such an easy thing to do. Society today tells you that credit cards are faster, easier, and blah blah blah. In all that mess of advertising they just forget to mention that “69% of all bankruptcy filers say that credit-card debt caused their bankruptcy.” Using cash leaves an impression on you. It hurts to spend cash. Heres a crazy fact for all those college kids(like myself) and parents who are putting kids through college, that “over 88% of graduating college seniors have credit card debt before they even have a job!” Now is that crazy or what. I have about 100 more statistics to use to point out how BAD credit cards are, but to keep this short and simple. USE CASH!

     Number 2-Budget. The word budget is such a nasty word for most people. More than one-third (36.1 percent) of Americans report that they do not use a budget to manage their family’s expenses. Budget, by dictionary standards, is “an itemized allotment of funds, time, etc., for a given period.” There are thousands of budget sheets out there to use or you can make your own. If you are a single person with a relatively small amount of expenses and bills, this will not take you very long. On the other hand, if you are part of a family, doing a budget sheet this WILL TAKE AWHILE. I encourage you to stick to it; through this your eyes might be opened to some rather questionable purchases. After you have realized what your spending your money on (and not on), its time to make a monthly budget. I stay away from the sheets because I hate paperwork. I do a customized-envelope-system. Dave Ramsey is huge about the envelope system. You can learn more about it here.

     For my budget, I use a 12 file pocket organizer. You can get them from office depot. In each sleeve I label them a specific thing ex. gas, grocery(food, body wash, ect.), food(as in eating out), clothing, and “blow(fun money).” I put the amount of money, CASH, that I am going to use that month on each item. The main rule is-don’t take from other slots!





     Number 3-Coupon. If you have been following this blog you will know all about couponing. Since I am a guy, I don’t find couponing to be fun or a joy. For the guys reading this either A) date/marry a woman who coupons for you, or B) simplify the matter. By that I mean, how hard is it to save receipts from restaurants with coupons on them for a free whatever. Or save those monopoly pieces from McDonalds. I’m not saying go out of your way here guys, but come on man, save that piece, it might even be the million dollar one.

     Number 4- Shop Wisely. Now you can shop wisely in many ways. Buy stuff while it is on clearance. For clothing thrift stores are great(even if they smell bad.) Guys, by the way this is a great date if you have a couponing girlfriend or a shopper. Also buy clothes that are going out of season. You get them way cheaper. Shop the clearance aisles too. You can make an XL a medium with a little ingenuity and Google.

     Number 5- Free Outings. Finally the last one. Almost everyone in the whole world does things with other people. I am going to throw a really crazy thing in front of you. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO SPEND MONEY TO HAVE FUN. I wrestled with this and still do, but simply going to the park or to the mall, you can have some of the best times. Out door malls are the best. You don’t have to buy clothing you can look at the shops and usually there will be outside entertainment. Be crazy with it. Guys wake up, your girl more than likely will not be to impressed by a dinner date, shes been on thousands of them, but she will enjoy and always remember you for originality and a good time of a free date. ;P

     There you go, 5 easy, well somewhat easy ways, for you to save some mullah. I hope this helps get people on the right track. As we say in Texas when you catch a big fish, BOOOYAH!